6. Zelda, Barry, and Gary have a total of 78 DVDs. Zelda has 10 less than DVDs than Barry has, and Gary has twice as many DVDs as Zelda has. How many DVDs does Gary have?
例:I love Mary not because she is pretty but because she is intelligent.
(E)a speed as
Writing it down is a hopeful act: It guarantees that in some way, it will last.
We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, Icould find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me.
The watts things interfered with my new college life .
(句子内部可以多拐几个弯,而整个文章的观点要清楚,要么对比鲜明,要么干脆一边倒。如果你在文章各大段落使用太多的yet, however, but,反而会把考官弄糊涂了,不知道你到底转了几次弯,而直接把你的作文判死刑。)
不得不提及的是,她丈夫在与她分居后不久,于1970年自杀。早在1963年,她就在自己的作品中,对自己的女性身份进行反思(examine her female identity),而她也于1976年,通过自己的引起争议的作品Of Woman Born:Motherhood as Experience and Institution向世人公开了她的同性恋倾向。
在上句中,pretty和intelligent同为对she的修饰语,用not only… but also这样的词组将它们连接起来,作为句子的表语。
例:Mary came home late last night, which upset us a lot.
\"Well, my goodness!\" exclaimed the third woman. \"I\'m certainly glad I don\'t have any problems like that\" -- and she knocked on wood. \"Oh,\" she said, standing up out of her chair. \"there\'s someone at the door.\"
Instead of waiting around for the backend team to do its stuff, you can easilydevelop a fake data layer that mimics the API and functionality that will eventuallybe sent to you.