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最后更新:2025-03-15 16:25:24        浏览次数:774        返回列表





We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, I could find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me. After I had answered, he asked me another question. But this was an unusual question. He asked me what I thoughtsoldiers on both sides thought about what they were fighting for. After that other people chimed in. And the class began to discuss the beliefs of both sides, the reason they went to war, and what might have happened if the other side had won. And I kept raising my hand, not to show how much I knew but, for once, because I was really interested.

4分作文: Some people would say that something that is not successful does not have any value. I would have to disagree with this statement. Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle and the Vietnam War were not successful, but they had value. Thus, it is true that something not successful can still have value. For instance, the Columbia disaster. Columbia was destroyed in an accident when the shuttle tried to re-enter the atmosphere. This accident was a horrible failure and many people were very upset by it. The value, though, comes from the new way in which we now look at things. Because of Columbia, the space program now know what is wrong. Hopefully, they will change it. Vietnam is also an example of something not successful. We went to Vietnam in an attempt to get rid of communists. Thewar went on for a while, but we were not able to win. Many soldiers were killed and the public were very angry about the whole thing. Soon there were many protests across the country and college students especially became active against the war. By the time the war was ended the people were very upset with their country. These two examples show that something not successful can still have value. As we have seen, both Columbia and the Vietnam War were not successful. Yet, we got something of value out of them. 【点评】 开始段落把中心观点讲出来了,并且也有thesis statement。


第一节 比较语法知识

本题的平行结构是spreads A,puts B and    。and后是平行的最后一个成分,所以划线部分必须是一个动词的第三人称单数形式加C的结构。在5个选项中,只有A符合。



prefer A to B




度来看,是in architecture和in something在做比较,而something里又包含了一个小并列即music or literature。D把music or literature联合作为一个比较对象和architecture比较,而E等于是把music和literature分开,分别和architecture作比较。显然,D的表达方式符合大并列里包含小并列的规则。

What is the tenths digit in the decimal representation of <图>?


You have twenty-five minutes to write an essay on the topic assigned below.



1. The more you run at high altitudes, the more our bodies and lungs will acclimate to changing elevations.

12. That singer's vocal power could be improved by increased lung capacity,greater range, and working on better breath control for demanding pieces.








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