会计培训信息 重庆会计从业资格证是重庆会计从业资格证培训学校的重点专业,重庆市知名的会计从业资格证培训机构,教育培训知名品牌,重庆会计从业资格证培训学校师资力量雄厚,全国各大城市均设有分校,学校欢迎你的加入。
We amortize the capitalized costs associated with the acquisition of players registrations. These costs are amortized over the period of the employment contract agreed with a player. If a player extends his contract prior to the end of the pre-existing period of employment, the remaining unamortized portion of the acquisition cost is amortized over the period of the new contract. Changes in amortization of the costs of players registrations from year to year and period to period reflect additional transfer fees paid for the acquisition of players, the impact of contract extensions and the disposal of players registrations.
1. 球员交易后,根据球员的转会价格,计入players registrations的资产价格;当然相应的,会有银行存款或者现金的减少;
2. 如果球员是分期付款,则还要计入应付账款,一般会有专门的科目代替,即Trade and other payables,根据应付账款的期限,分别计入current和non-current liability下。 如果球员转会还有其他的奖励条款或者有条件的付款,也是计入non-current下的trade and other payables,当条件没有成功触发,届时再销项;
3. 球员买入后,根据摊销原则,每年会进行摊销,计入Amortisation of players registrations;
4. 球员每年的买卖,会有专门的会计科目Profit(loss) on disposal of players registrations;
5. 在现金流量表里,每年由于球员买卖进出的现金,有项:Purchases of players registrations以及Proceeds from sale of players registrations.
6. 至于其他类似球员退役,或者提前退役;以及非货币的球员置换,参照中国足协的那份文件,基本八九不离十。