brian: if it\'s good enough for supermodels, it\'s good enough for me.
dario: you make me laugh. do you think that you are a supermodel?
brian: no, but i would be happy to give it a shot!
160. Relate to…感同161. 身受
Relate指“与….系”,不过是指怎样的关系呢?字在对话中的用法是relate to….指的“感同身受的体会”。说法常常可以听到。
A:I’m afraid to flying. 我害怕坐飞机。
B:I can relate to that. I have nightmares about plane crashes.
Relate to 也可以用来表达“沟通上有共识”。若是“代沟”(generation gap),或是观念不同而沟通上的,你就可以用上下面的这句话。
A:I have trouble relating to Carol. 我跟卡罗沟通很难。
B:Maybe it’s because she’s 30 years older than you.
162. On a moment’s notice 临时通知
Notice是“通知,注意”的意思,on a moment’s notice指“到了最后一刻,才临时来的通知”。通常医生是最容易被临时通知出诊的行业了。
A:He’s a great doctor. He’s always there on a moment’s notice.
The restaurant owner was furious. This student was stealing
the smells from his kit.chen. He decided to tatke him to court.
Everybody in the court laughed whcn the me; n man accuset thc
student of stealing hi.s smells\'. But thc judge took him seriously.\"Every
【派】precipitation(n. 降水;降雨量)
subsequent [sbskwnt] a. 随后的(*later);并发的(successive)
remarkable [rmrkbl] a. 显著的,值得注意的;非凡的(*extraordinary, incredible)
【例】Impurities are washed out with methanol, I think, before this gas is sent on to reactors where it's changed into oil. 我认为,这种气体在被送往反应器转变为油之前,其杂质就用甲醇清洗干净了。
【例】More and more people live far from the old city center and still commute there for work. 越来越多的人住在远离老市中心的地方,不过他们仍然乘公交车去那儿上班。
【例】Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. 美国的政党帮助配合其候选人在选举年的竞选。
I didn’t meet anybody new at the party.在那次聚会上我碰到任何生人。
【例】The urban life seemed particularly intriguing to those raised in rural isolation. 都市生活似乎对在农村偏远地区长大的人来说特别吸引人。