【例】 She needs a bag for her head; she\'s so ugly, she\'s bobbing for fries. [Louina State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1999]
Word List 2
[bid]n./vt. 出价;投标
这种同义词替换比较小众,就是否定+反义的替换,什么意思呢?比如big=not small,但在真正的考试当中,替换难度就大大上升了。
[bin]n. 大箱子;仓
[baiu'metriks]n. 生物测定学
(1)名词+基数词。如:lesson three
【派】censorship(n. 审查制度)
Chinese is my mother tongue.
I am proficient in English.
I am professional in English.
I can speak fluent English.
fluency n. 流利
How many languages do you speak?
I can speak in three languages.
I’m a trilingual.
I’m a bilingual.
Canada is a bilingual country.
I can read and write in three languages.
How well do you know Chinese?
How well do you know English?
How long ... 多久
How many ... 多少
How well ... 程度如何
She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.
accent 口音
She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.
dialect 方言
local vernacular
Do you speak the local vernacular?
We must master the local vernacular.
mandarin Chinese 普通话
mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯
Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话
character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的
Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案
Chinese phonetic alphabet
letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组
sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文
Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.
Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.
As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.
【派】celebration(n. 庆祝,庆典)
【例】We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. 我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并能做出相应安排的人。
This generation gap influences an enormous number of things, from attitudes toward the pace of modern life (unsettling to some and bracing to others) to viewsof China\'s place in the world.