It would be preferable if we did not have to pay such a high price to learn suchlessons. The Columbia space tragety and the Vietnam War both demonstrate how events perceived as failures can still have value.
用什么词来指代someone呢?我们在前面讲过,只能是he or she,故只能选D。
(C)you will hear
1. Education can't take the place of brains. To repeat what others have said requires education, to challenge it requires brains.
(B)and people become more dependent
5. 144
Each person's idea of self-worth is based on many factors, including productiviity. If we focus on this particular standard for evaluating worth, however, we lose sight of fact that quality is just as important as if not more than quantity. For this reason, we should not cling to the false belief that the more we do, the more we worth.
The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light.
studies, experience, or observation.
(B)the decision was that his fatherwould not accept the new position
15.bear in mind that替换remember
7. The Internet startup, often using unorthodox methods, quickly made their service the most popular on the market.
1966年移居到纽约后,她日渐投入到社会的变化中去(Rich moved with her family, which then included three sons, to New York City and became increasingly involved in the sociopolitical activism of the day)。
突破痛点才能成长。进一步的问题是,在备考时使用这些founding documents 有哪些技巧。
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