Do you know the man wearing a white shirt. (wearing ... 分词起形容词作用)
On entering the room, candies were being served.[×]
例句-2: \"They\'ve built so many new office buildings here that they have trouble renting out all the space. So some landlords sweeten the pot; they offer a company six months free rent if it signs a three-year lease.\"
You ought to bring the child here.
ought + to have done 句型。指过去动作,表示一件事情该做而未做。
(C)her mother had decided to write another book
Second, online-learning can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge.
(C)also making people more dependent
More than one student is…
5. B
(D)have believed that excessive television viewing wastes not only
●Each digit is a different factor of 40.
1、避免使用个人陈述式的短语及过多的强调性副词:诸如i feel、i think、i believe之类的短语是不必要的(除非已知事实是:你在表达自己的观点),因为会使文章不够生动,也不够客观。建议大家在叙述论点的时候,多用一些感情色彩比较中性的词汇更好一些。
from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
5. People who have low motivation or are not at least moderately intelligent are not likely to make it as international journalists.