1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
There's a common saying usually applied to sports:"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." This saying, however, can easily be applied to how we live and whether or not we are able to achieve personal happiness. As the Humboldt quotation suggests, it's not the events that occurs in our lives but rather the way we react to these events that most affects our happiness. Excellent representations of this can be found in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," where characters respond differently to the same situation and gain varying levels of happiness because of their respective reactions.
例: In preparing for a race Jill ran 1/2 the distance that Sam ran, and Sam ran 3 times the distance that Aisha ran. What was the ratio of the distance that Jill ran to the distance that Aisha ran?
Ecological light pollution is like the bulldozer of the night, wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billion years in the making. (metaphor, comparing light pollution to the effects of a “bulldozer”)
(D)To compare the population of China with America is to show that they are
The goal of the Vietnam War was to prevent Communism from taking hold in that country. Many at the time believed that if Vietnam became Communist, so too would the rest of the region. When we left, the country fell to the Communist party. However, advancements in military training came out of the conflict. We learned the value of "special forces" and developed new tactics to fight in environments where tanks were less efficient than air strikes. These lessons better prepared us for modern warfare.
(C)Greg was baffled by the city's local customs
第二段,讲政客的时候,以美国前总统小布什在伊拉克战争问题上的出尔反尔为例。(For example, George. W. Bush have been saying he will end the war in the Middle East since 2003. Now, in 2008, the war is continuing raging fervently.