intoxication [ntksken] n. 醉,醉酒
external [kstrnl] a. 外部的,位于外表的(exterior)
curl [krl] v. (使)卷曲,蜷缩(crouch)n. 卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物
其实,只要我们动点脑筋,许多单词就能很容易被记住,关键是我们记单词的方法能否给大脑的记忆中枢以有效的、合理的刺激,如果我们能做到这一点,我们就可以告别传统的死记硬背的英语单词模式,从而使得背单词不再成为中耗时费力,令人痛恨不已的一件苦差事,终实现在谈笑之间就让一个个英语单词扎根在我们的记忆当中,并且能够做到 记而不忘 。下面举例说明:
a.不可思议的分解为we+ird,ird就是没有头的bird(少了开头的字母b),联想一个情景:一觉醒来我们变成了无头的小鸟,这的确是个不可思议的事情啊 ^_^ 。
logical [ldkl] a. 符合逻辑的,合理的(reasonable)
【参】aboriginal(a. 土著的)
【例】The economists' motto was laisser faire at that time. 经济学家们当时的座右铭是自由主义。
【例】They will use satellites to communicate with mountain climbers. 他们将使用卫星与登山者进行联络。
dario: well, how about if i ask you what drink you would take to a deserted island?
【例】Before I go on to the biochemical specifics of how this works, let me provide a figurative example. 我先打一个比方,接着再具体解释这怎么发生了生化作用。
B: I passed it on to my roommate, but there should be more in the bookstore. I can pick one up for you next time there.
【例】I would like to apply for one of the security guard positions you advertised in the local paper. 我想申请你在本地报纸上刊登的保安职位。
mat [mt] n. 垫子(rug, cushion);草席
【搭】analyzing the data 分析数据;