1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
我可以试穿吗? Can I try this on?
换衣间在哪? Where is the fitting room?
能给我看看另一件吗?Could you show me another one?
我能看一下这个包吗? Could you show me this bag?
我想退掉它。I’d like to return this
能换个新的吗? Could you change it for a new one?
我要3个这样的。I’d like three same as this.
太贵啦。It’s too expensive for me
我能买它免税吗?Can I buy it tax-free?
是不是帐单有错误。Is there a mistake in this bill?
我能得到些折扣吗?Can I get a little discount?
你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept traveler’s checks?
They set up a working party to look into the issue.
【例】Crows have marked preferences for certain kinds of foods. 乌鸦对某些食物有明显的偏好。
【例】That dude in the red car is a ruff rida. [Miami Dade Community College North Campus, Miami, FL, 1998]
【例】If a volcano erupts, some of the Earth's interior heat escapes to the surface. 假如火山喷发,地球内部的一些热量就会逃逸到地表。
consideration [knsdren] n. 考虑,思考;体谅,照顾;需要考虑的事;理由
【例】Each of the satellites is constantly sending out signals, and each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude and elevation at any point on the earth's surface. 每颗卫星都在一直发送信号,每个信号都包含着重要的信息,这些信息可以用来确定地球表面任何一点的经纬度和海拔。
additive [dtv] a. 添加的;加法的 n. 添加剂
【例】There weren't many leftovers from yesterday. 昨天没有剩下多少菜。
Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002. 重要的是:我们必须在年前转亏为盈大家看过财务报表没?上面是一大堆密密麻麻的数字,告诉你公司的资产有多少,折旧多少,应收帐款多少 。但是这些都不是重要的,重要的在下面那一行(bottom line),叫净赚(Net earnings)告诉你 这家公司总共加起来到底是赚钱还是赔钱,(这其实才是重要的,不是吗?)所以bottom line这个字后来 就变成了有“重要的是…”的意思。例如,商场上有句名言,\"In business, If you don’t take care of your customers, somebody else will. And that is the bottom line.\"(如果你不关心你的顾客的话 ,其他的人会,这是重要的原则。)另外bottom line也有“后的底限”,“不能再退让的原则”的意思 。例如,老板可以告诫员工,\"Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday.\"(我后的底限是 ,我们必须在星期五前运交这批货。)
【派】promotion(n. 晋升;提升;宣传)
1) 如“很多人很快就会发现,他们在物质上是富裕了,精神上却很贫乏。”可以这样表达:
Many people will soon find themselves rich in goods, but ragged in spirit.
(注:句中rich in 与 ragged in, goods 与 spirit 具有正反对比的关系和效果。)
1. To slowly drive (5-10 mph) down the back streets of a small town while becoming intoxicated on your intoxicant of choice.
【例】A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it's very good.
glow [lo] v. 发光(*shine)
【例】The President's flamboyant lifestyle was well known among the citizens. 总统炫耀的生活方式在民众当中广为人知。
[prdekt] v. 放映(show, screen);规划(plan, figure)