1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
In a society hat judges self-worth on productivity, it is no wonder we fall prey to the misconception that the more we do, the more we're worth.
(E)imposed sanctions on a nation of renegades last month after they violated
(E)Emily Dickinson's inspirations, different from many female poets who preceded her
Most people in the world, if asked, will say that they want an honest opinion from their friends and coworkers. Is this really true? There are many things people do or say in their everyday lives that contradict this supposed desire for honesty.
【例】Which one of you does locked the keys in the car? [Miami University, Oxford, OH, 1999]
例:If P, R, and T are digits in the positive three-digit integer PRT, what is the decimal equivalent of PRT×10-2?
to pick out
to take one’s time
to talk over
to lie down
to stand up
to sit down
all day long
by oneself
on purpose
to get along
to make no difference
to take out
1.to pick out : (to choose, select)
【说明:】to pick out (挑选,拣选)多指购物时的挑选而言。out 用作副词,形容及物动词pick.
(1) I want to pick out some new ties to give as Christmas s to my friends.