diverse [davrs] a. 不同的(*different);多样的(*varied, various)
locomotion [lokmon] n. 移动(remotion);运动(movement)
【例】She must have been a temporary worker. 她肯定是个临时工。
【派】statehood(n. 州的状态或地位);stately [ad. /a. 庄重地(的);宏伟地(的)];statement(n. 陈述,声明)
【例】The pterosaurs rely on wind power for their locomotion. 翼龙依靠风力来移动。//A great deal can be learned from the actual traces of ancient human locomotion. 从古人迁徙的实际路线那儿可以了解到很多信息。
【搭】to be honest 老实说,实话实说
A: Can you please tell me where I'd find gym shoes?
【派】dramatically(ad. 戏剧性地,引人注目地)
【例】Because it spends a lot of time in the intense tropical sun, the grassmouse has also evolved two separate safeguards against the sun's ultraviolet radiation. 由于草鼠长时间待在强烈的热带阳光下,它演化出了两套防止紫外线辐射的安全措施。//When the quartz crystal in a heater vibrates at a particular frequency, its energy is turned into infrared radiation. 加热器中的石英晶体以某个频率振动时,其能量就能转化为红外辐射。
【例】Franklin's newspaper was especially significant because literacy was increasing at the time. 富兰克林的报纸特别重要,因为当时识字的人在增多。
【例】It is this intense mutual engagement that elicits the display of skill and shapes the emerging performmance. 正是这种强烈的互动,才使技能展示出来,塑造出逐渐成形的表演。
foul [fal] a. 污秽的,肮脏的(disgusting, filthy)
【例】Members of congress have to spend most of their time in Washington taking care of their legislative duties. 国会议员大部分时间要待在华盛顿履行立法职责。
【搭】specialize in 擅长于;专攻