1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
一雌一雄的 monogamous
“You can\'t time the market,” I said, echoing my grandmother\'s stock marketadvice, “but you can try!”
他的作品风格轻松口语化,可读性很强。He has a relaxed and conversational style of writing, which is very readable.谚语的通俗性特点与禅籍的口语化特征相一致。The popular feature of proverb suits to the oral feature of Zen books, there are manyproverbs.我发现很多英语学习者十分痴迷于俚语和习语,好像背诵一些十分口语化的表达方式就可以让他们的口语升级、听起来更加地道。I find that many learners have an obsession with slang and idioms, as if repeating some colloquial expressions is going to upgrade how they sound in a language.
英语中的许多词是时代的发展在的发展着的。大家都知道come across的意思是偶然碰见即 to run into; to find unexpectedly。例如 On my way home, I came across an interesting new bookstore. 我在回家途中,偶尔了一家有趣的新书店。可是看到一句话,却解释。
【例】Smoking can cause problems such as pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. 吸烟能引起肺炎、支气管炎和流行性
在这里,笔者先举个简单的例子,大家都知道work是工作,劳动的意思,而在“The new method worked”这个句子里,work的意思却是奏效的意思。
2.have no bearing on something ?与某事没关联
【例】The monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth during World War II. 二战期间,垄断资本家大发横财。
【例】 That exam was bogus. [University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, 1998]
【例】A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water. 骆驼的特点是不喝水也能活很长时间。