Soon, the politicians will revert back to what they all want power and continuous popularity. For example, George. W. Bush have been saying he will end the war in the Middle East since 2003. Now, in 2008, the war is continuing raging fervently.
Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view.
这篇作文也反映了作者的语言使用技巧和遣词造句能力,如places a premium on success, dismiss failures, horrific failure等等。
(B)The Internet startup was often unorthodox methods for quickly making its
1. zero hour 重要决定或变化到来的时刻;危险行动的时刻
例:If P, R, and T are digits in the positive three-digit integer PRT, what is the decimal equivalent of PRT×10-2?
A在此句为because of her beauty,那么B要与A一致,不能是一个完整的句子。应该说I love Mary not because of her beauty but because of her intelligence.
What was Train C's speed, in miles per hour,if Train B's speed was 7 miles per hour?
Do you speak Chinese?
I can speak in English.
Chinese English French
Italian German Spanish
Portuguese Japanese Korean
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.
English language proficiency text 英语测试
I speak only a little English.
I can speak a little Chinese.
It‘s broken.
Well, sorry, I speak broken Enlgish.
Forgive my broken English.
My English still needs work.
How long have you been studying Spanish?
I have been studying English for two years.
I started to learn English since two years ago.
What is your mother tongue?
mother tongue
mother language
native language
I’m a Beijing native.
Beijing Native in New York
Shanghai Native in Tokyo.
Chinese is my native language.
Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.
Perhaps another thing that gives this away is the asking of a question that cannot be answered correctly. One of the most popular examples of this is when a woman askssomeone if she looks fat in whatever she is wearing. It may seem like a simple, harmless question, but there is, in fact, no right way to answer this question. If the reply is yes, the woman will surely get angry and upset because now she thinks she's fat. However, if the reply is no, she will surely accuse the responder of lying. In situations like these, it may be best to just not answer at all. I know that's my father's philosophy when my mother poses such questions.
例:In a certain game, the only scores were 50,60,70,80,90,100. The bar graph above shows the scores of 23 children who played this game.