poetry [potri] n. 诗歌,诗集
我们可以用描述的方法去讲这个观点同意转换,如‘he’s a very open-minded person and he’s always flexible to changes.
【例】The term virus is derived from the Latin word for poison or slime. Virus(病毒)这个词起源于拉丁文毒药或黏液。
例句-4: \"I really wanted to try out for the basketball team when I was in college. But the cards were stacked against me: I\'m only five feet six inches tall and everybody else was six-two or even taller.\"
Salesgirl:They are very nice, you know.
Salesgirl:And not expensive either?.
Steve:Oh, I don’t care about that.
Salesgirl:Everybody’s buying them.
Steve:Are they?
Salesgirl:Yes, they are very fashionable, you see.
Steve:I’m afraid I’m not interested in? fashion. There are so many other really important things in the world. Fashion seems so truly…unimportant.
overhaul [ovrhl] n. 仔细检查(examination)
【例】The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting. 这些环境里物种灭绝率之高令人震惊。//The eel in the tank behind me can produce a strong jolt of electricity to stun its prey. 我背后鱼缸里的鳗鱼可以产生强烈的电流来击昏其捕食对象。
Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop\'s fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had to climb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, \"I think I can, I think I can.\" At last, the train was over the top of the hill. \"I thought I could, I thought I could,\" chugged the happy little train.
4.I\'m very happy to be going to be working together.
【记】来自colony(n. 殖民地)
【例】Certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. 某些女权主义者展示出了敏锐的历史感,记录了妇女参与的各种活动。
draw [dr] vt. 吸引(attract, entice)
【例】The apartment's room arrangement was not logical. 公寓房间的格局不合理。
(1) 利用材料的编排形式。资料多半是按字母顺序排列的。如词典、索引、邮政编码簿、电话号码簿以及其它参考资料簿等。当然并非所有资料都是按字母顺序排列的。例如,电视节目是按日期和时间排列的。历史资料是按年代排列的,报纸上的体育版面是按比赛类别(足球、排球、网球)排列等等。不管资料来源怎样,它都是按照某种逻辑方法排列的。例如,要知道某事是何时发生的,要查日期;某事是谁做的,要查人名等。
(3) 抓提示词。读者找到包含所需信息的章节,准备寻读。这时,要留心与那个具体信息有关的提示词。例如,在报纸体育运动版上寻找某田径运动员的某项运动成绩,他的国名是提示词。在百科全书上寻找纽约市的人名,翻到New York City那一章后,population, census, inhabitants 等词就是提示词,找到提示词,就可以采用一般阅读速度,获得所需要的信息。