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课程名称: 扬州sat学校有哪些
品牌: sat培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-08 18:07
浏览报名: 302人
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请注意: 开始要选择较简单的读物 .

例:In the sequence above, the first term is 5 and the second term is a. Each term after the second is the product of the two immediately preceding terms. If a<0,what is the 10th term of the sequence?


理论,“常春藤联盟”之原名应追溯到1937年,一位《纽约报》(New York Herald Tribune)体育新闻记者斯坦利.伍德沃德(Stanley Woodward)先生铸造了此名词,因美国最古老及最菁英的学校建筑物均被常春藤覆盖住。理论对此名词的解释则较为古老,来自较早称之为“四联盟”(Four Leage)的运动协会,包括哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学和耶鲁大学。


(At the Canton Fair, Mr. Smith. a businessman front America,meets Mr. Wang, a Chinese sales representative in front of his booth. )
  Mr. Wang: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our booth. Would you like to have a seat?
  Mr. Smith: Thank you.
  Mr. Wang:Here\'s my business card.
  Mr. Smith:Thank you. Please accept mine.Mr. Wang:Oh. Mr. Smith, I see that you are from America. Have you heard of our company before?
  Mr. Smith: Sorry. I haven\'t. Could you tell me something about it?
  Mr. Wang: Yes. our company has produced textiles formally years. and now we have five retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 15% of the domestic market.
  Mr. Smith: OK. Perhaps we can work together in the future.
  Mr. Wang: I hope so.
  Mr. Smith: May I know something about your new products?
  Mr. Wang: Yes, this is our latest catalog, and you can find our new products here.
  Mr. Smith: Oh,there are so many new products. I would say some of them could be found on the market in my country.
  Mr. Wang: Yes. Owing to their superior quality and reasonable price, they are warmly received in most western countries. Therefore, you can rest assured they would suit the taste of your market as well.
  Mr. Smith: That sounds good.
  Mr. Wang: Mr.Smith, please take your time and look around. You are welcome to visit our factory any time.
  Mr. Smith: Sure, I\'m planning to visit some factories after this trade fair.
  Mr. Wang: That would be great. We\'re really looking forward to seeing you again.


(C)he does not play an instrument and has never seen it

例:The number n is to be added to the list above it. If n is an integer, which of the following could

例:Ray has $175 that he wants to distribute among Jack, Bill, and Carl. He wants to give Jack twice as much as he gives Bill and half as much as he gives Carl. How much should he give Jack?

Time has a doomsday book, on whose pages he is continually recording illustrious names. But as often as a new name is written there, an old one disappears. Only a few stand in illuminated characters never to be effaced.




You are a great help.你帮了大忙

I couldn\'t be more sure.我再也肯定不过。

I am behind you.我支持你。

A: Whatever decision you\'re going to make, I am behind you.

肯定句:The book is on the table.书在桌子上。(主语和谓语倒装)







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