1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
is generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
例:If (x-2)2=36 and x<0,what is the value of x?
In the literary world, success is measured by the number of books sold. Authors who sell millions of books are valued morethan those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by a writer's productivity. This scenario, however, is misleading, since one writer may produce a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who produces dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. Which writer truly has more worth? A specific example o illustrate this scenario is Bill Clinton compared to Judy Blume. Clinton recently published his memories, which will likely be very successful and become a best-seller. Blume, the author of many books for teenagers, probably hasn't and won't ever appear on the best-seller list. Is Clinton worth more because his name and political career make his book successful? Or is Blume worth more because her portrayals of teen life affect many meaningful criteria of judging worth.
Bede Williams, of the University\'s School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies, looked at, among other things, a study into the nation\'s top 20 earworms, commissioned by Heinz to promote their new #cansong TV advert.
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
疑问句:Is the book on the table? 书是在桌子上吗?
Are you John\'s brother? Yes,I am.你是约翰的兄弟吗? 是的,我是。
Many people let themselves be influenced by what happens to them, like Hamlet, and these people have difficulty finding happiness.
They later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration andhonesty of the other speaker.
(A)to hold two tastings per year instead of one and they would increase
这里,核心代词someone是个不定代词,那么只能用he or she来指代。在所有选项中,只有D正确。
还有一个句子是:自由不是天上掉下来的,要去争取,甚至战斗(Freedom is not something you're given, it's something you have to fight for)。