本句的结构可以简化为:The inflence is more evident in the USA than in Europe or Asia.
2.When will the freshmen registration begin?
威廉做事从来不匆忙,他总是从从容容地做每一件事。 talk over : (to discuss. Consider)
【说明:】to talk over(讲座,商量)指讲座、会商尚未实施的计划或问题,或以商谈说服,使别人赞成自己的计划。后面的受词如果是名词,应放在over之后,如果是代名词,则放在over之前,如My husband talked me over. (我的丈夫说服了我。)
(1)We talked over Mr. Reese’s plan but could not come to a decision.
If your essay does not reflect your original and individual work, your test scores may be canceled.
(B)imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after it was violating
素因子分解(prime factorization):把一个数分解成素数相乘。
I love Mary more than my parents.
The debate about quality versus quantity occurs in a variety of settings: Is twenty pages better than ten for a term paper? Is an all-you-can-eat buffet preferable to a gourmet meal? Is a huge lawn more desirable than a small yard? As a society, we tend to value the quantity of productivity to determine how successful a person is. Focusing on the amount produced, however, is based on the false assumption that quantity by itself is an appropriate judge of worth. In fact, the quality of a product is far more important, as we can see by looking at examples from current events and literature.
● SAT作文的结束
prefer to do A rather than do B (不能用to do B)
4. Our policy is:Leniency to those who confess; severity to those who resist.
What was the average speed,in miles per hour,of the car for the 20 miles?
A是用law student的responsibilities和medical student作比较,二者属于不同性质的东西,不可比。
上文中的 knock on wood若直译敲打木头,中国读者会觉得莫名其妙。英美迷信就不难理解了。在西方流行说法:凡向别人夸耀,立刻敲打木头,否则所夸耀的事物就会走向反面。上文中的位女士夸口说前两位老太太所说的(健忘)问题,并且立即敲了敲木头,不让夸口的事情走向反面,然而她却忘记了刚刚敲了木头,有人敲门,可见她的记性最糟糕。