[k'tstrfi]n. 大灾难
Officials in Giles County say they may put the Ten Commandments back on the walls of the schools but will add other historical documents. Professor Laycock says it is possible that might satisfy a court.
Each week at this time we will tell a story from the history of the United States of America. THE MAKING OF A NATION is really a series of lessons. These lessons include ancient history, modern history, exploration, revolution, politics, civil war, industrial expansion and modern technology.
What do you think is the value of teaching history in school?
0.257zero point two five seven
labor 工作collaboration(n. 合作)
Especially, over the same period, the proportion of household without a car dramatically dropped to 40%.
['s:vikl]a. 子宫颈的;颈部的
【例】Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements. 我们公司拥有一套符合国际要求的标准。
['ms]vt. 积聚