The most commonly used and simplest holiday greetings are,as you might expect:
1. Happy New Year!
2. Best wishes for a happy New Year.
3. May your New Year start out joyful!
4. Good fortune and success in the New Year!
5. May the season’s joy stay with you all year round!
6. May joy and happiness surround you today and always!
7. Even though we’re apart,you’re in my heart this New Year’s season.
8. Wishing you peace,joy and happiness throughout the coming year.
The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red. 这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中 拯救出来。 中国人喜欢红色,所以股市大涨时盘面上都是红通通的一片。不过欧美国家对红色的认知则大不相同,红色 就表示亏损,赤字。像之前提到的bottom line如果是用红笔写的,那就是表示公司整体上来说是赔钱的。相 反的如果是用黑笔写的,则表示是赚钱的。所以我们常可以听到in the red 或是in the black这样的讲法, 其实就是指公司赚不赚钱。当然啦,我们也可以用简单的讲法,lose money和make money或是形容词 unprofitable和profitable来表示赔钱或赚钱。例如,这家公司是赚钱的,你可以说,\"This company is in the black\",\"The comapny is making money.\"或是\"The company is profitable\"都可以。 讲到这个profitable让我不得不提醒大家non-profit这个字,因为常常有人会搞错。Non-profit这个字指的 并不是说不赚钱的,而是说‘非营利性质的’,例如,像消费者文教基金会我们就可以说他是一个non- profit organization,非营利机构,这种组织就不是以赚钱为目的。但nonprofitable的话则是指不赚钱的 就等于unprofitable或是 non-profit-making.
【例】The tenements lacked both running water and central heating. 廉租公寓既没有自来水,也没有集体供暖。
【例】They will use satellites to communicate with mountain climbers. 他们将使用卫星与登山者进行联络。
plow [pla] n. 犁(plough)vt. 耕作(cultivate, till)
【例】Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power. 很多细菌没有鞭毛,不能靠自身的力量移动。
【派】venturesome(a. 好冒险的)
biologist [baldst] n. 生物学家
string [stralt] n. 弦;细绳,带子
man should be able to complain to the court .\" he said.
When the restaurant owvner told the judgc everything. the
judge said , \"You are right. The student is guiltv. \" The reataurant
digression [daren] n. 离题,扯到枝节上;题外话,枝节内容
My fingers are all thumbs.
[字面意思] 我的指头都成了大拇指了。
[解释] 紧张或劳累过度,手指头发僵,不听使唤。昨天打字,工作到晚上12点,今早感觉手指麻木,现在I can\'t operate the keyboard properly; my fingers are all thumbs.
conductivity [kndktvti] n. 传导性
【例】Your professor has asked me to talk to you today about the topic that should be of real concern to civil engineers: the erosion of the US beaches. 你的教授让我今天和你谈谈土木工程师真正应该关心的问题:美国海岸遇到的侵蚀。