1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
3.Can you find the time and dates of registration?
在用词方面,第二段里使用了amicable、circumvent、pose(作者笔误,应该是imposed),第三段使用了eloquently、raging fervently、exacerbated the problem、futile。
例:The cost of a telephone call using along-distance carrier A is $1.00 for any time up to and including 30 minutes and $0.07 per minute thereafter. The cost using long-distance carrier B is $0.06 per minute for any amount of time. For a call that lasts t minutes, the cost using carrier A is the same as the cost using carrier B. If t is a positive integer greater than 30,what is the value of t?
(D)high speeds that are capable of exceeding
结束语:现在总结一下讲的内容。Butter someone up指常说的“以花言巧语讨好某人,巴结奉承”的意思。Come across除了有“偶然相遇”的意思外,还有的意思“很清楚,能被理解” ,注意这里词包含有被动的意思了,在句子使用被动语态。
本文的题眼在于:“是motivation重要还是talent重要”?作者的态度是“To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent”。
Unbrellas: It\'s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors (在室内撑伞会带来厄运)。太阳因有无穷威力而受到人们崇拜,室内撑伞则被是对太阳的侮辱,进而会给屋内的每人都带来厄运。与伞的事都同坏运,不宜把雨伞礼物送给西方人。
\"We dedicated this as a message of hope -- that she can bring hope in the world during this period of crisis,\" said Sarli\'s spokesman Carlo Alberto Terranova. \"It\'s a homage to the audacity of hope and youth.\"
3. 44到48之间的任意一个整数
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below: