保护,指尽力照顾,使自身(或他人、或其他事物)的权益不受损害。那你知道保护英语怎么说吗?下面沈阳韦博小编告诉你保护英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!protect; defend; guard; safeguard; aegis
【例】After the final interview, potential recruits were divided into three categories. 经过最后的面试,可能入选的新学员被分成三类。
iii. Process
【例】The British diet could be partially to blame for the increase in back pain. 从某种程度上说,英式饮食遭受谴责是因为它会加重背部疼痛。
['dikt]vt. 使上瘾
dario: what is your favorite drink brian?
brian: that\'s a tough question dario! it\'s hard to answer that.
【例】The study argues that the type of action needed against passive smoking should be similar to that being taken against AIDS. 该研究证明人们需要采取类似防范艾滋病的方法来防范被动吸烟。
结束语:现在总结一下讲的内容。Butter someone up指常说的“以花言巧语讨好某人,巴结奉承”的意思。Come across除了有“偶然相遇”的意思外,还有的意思“很清楚,能被理解” ,注意这里词包含有被动的意思了,在句子使用被动语态。
For example:
A: What’s the trouble?
B: I don’t feel well today.
2. have a headache
Helen: Wait a second! Don’t blow this out of proportion.
【例】This room is used mainly for badminton and aerobics. 这间屋子主要用作羽毛球室,也可以在这里跳健美操。
【例】Smoking can produce substantial adverse effects on the heart and lungs. 吸烟对人的心脏和肺极为有害。
【例】The thief managed to open the coffer, but it turned out to be empty. 小偷设法打开了保险柜,却发现里面空空如也。
circ 圆circle(n. 圆)