3. From a jar containing of 50 pieces of candy, of which 25 are red and 25 are green. Mary has taken 3 red and 4 green pieces. She takes an additional 11 pieces from the jar. What is the least number of these additional pieces that must be red in order to for Mary to have more red candies than green candiesamong all the pieces she has taken?
Student:Oh, I see. Since I\'m a sophomore, I can register between 10 and 12 a.m.on Wednesday, the 25th.
There are many types of heroes in real life or in literature, but the most courageous type of all is the one who is willing to stand up and say what they believe in even when everyone else lacks the courage to do so. Many people are content to go through life following the crowd. They will themselves believe in ideas that society says is right, even when they know in their heart it is wrong. A hero is one who is willing to give up his position in society in order to tell people what he believes is right.
一般而言,当两个主语部分做比较时,SAT倾向于在第二个主语后加上助动词。例外情况是第一个主语后没有宾语,如:I run more quickly than you.在此句中,只能是I和you作比较,不会产生歧义。试看下列例句中补助动词的用法:
I have to go now.
第二段在介绍哥伦比亚航天飞机失事这个例子的时候,也犯了和5分作文相同的错误,就是没有把笔墨的重点放在这件事给NASA带来什么教训上,只提到了一句thespace program now know what is wrong,仅仅说他们知道错了,不够具体,应该在此处加上一些具体细节(specific details)。
一般过去时:I worked here. I didn’t work here. Did you work here? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.按照肯、否、问、答这个记忆系统学习八个时态,在学生的头脑中形成彼此相联系的八个记忆组块。由于它是直线序列,讲到现在时,马上就能联想到过去时,进而联想到将来时。八种时态的基本公式记住后,每个学期都要安排一节课集中讲别的语法内容,扫除会话和阅读的障碍。在九年义务教育初中英语实验教材中,我们根据中国学生学习的特点,安排了相对集中提前略讲语法的内容,并将语法结构明线化。通过语法明示,学生不再“雾中看花”,“水中望月”,大大提高了学习效率。
3.Can you find the time and dates of registration?
develops a point of view on the issue that is vague or seriously limited, and demonstrates weak critical thinking, providing inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
五. 句首不用阿拉伯数字,句末要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字。
同级比较应该采用的形式是as… as结构,而A只有一个as,首先排除。