Her designs have great originality .
1 I\'m here to report for employment. 我来报到上班。
A preliminary study of the harassment of college freshmen
Today, the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.
Unfortunately, Peter had to sell his neighborhood hardware store. Because of competition from the bigger stores in the shopping center, he was going in the hole every month. His store was small and did not generate enough income to meet expenses. As a consequence, he was rapidly losing money and going into debt.
5. Face the Music=accept the consequences
面对事实, 后果。
A: It\'s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don\'t listen, and now you\'re going to have to face the music.
B: The trouble with me is that I can\'t stop with just one or two, especially when they\'re so tart. I\'ll admit that I tend to forget that eventually I\'m going to have the accept the consequences for what I\'ve done.
A: I sure hope it was worth it.
6. blow it=fail at something
A: How did you do on the history exam?
B: I think I blew it! There was a section on the Civil War, and that\'s the chapter in the book that I studied the least.
A: Well, at this point you can\'t really be sure that you completely failed the examination. You must have done okay on the rest of the test.
B: Perhaps I didn\'t fail the entire exam, but I\'m sure that I didn\'t do well.
7. On the Line=in danger of being lost
Lately Tom\'s been more conscientious about the accuracy and quality of his work with the company. He was warned that his job was on the line because of his lack of concern for his duties. When Tom was alerted that he was in danger of losing his job, he began to take his obligations with the company more seriously.
作听力练习要重材料大意, 而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多.
E. Pay close attention to CONCESSION and TRANSITION so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers. The following words are most important: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but….
“兴趣是最好的老师”,教师要尽力设计一些学生感兴趣的话题,让学生有话可说,教师可根据学生的年龄、实际1:3语水平、课时进度等开展一些适合学生心理特征的兴趣活动,比如英语口语竞赛、情景模拟对话、唱英文歌曲等,使学生思维敏捷,从而以最快最有效的方法去获得新知识,产生一定的成功感。只有激发学生对口语表达产生浓厚的兴趣,才能使教师的教学与训练有所起色。另外,教师可以精心设计,利用教学艺术,创造语言情境,充分利用学生的好胜心和求知欲,启发学生思维,激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学习的积极性,在大量口语练习中形成能力,这样学生就可以较轻松、自然地提高英语语言素质。如学习了英语方位词之后,老师可让学生“talk about your position...”,把多样化的教学方法与丰富多彩的课外活动紧密结合起来,给学生创造大量表达的机会,对培养他们的口语表达兴趣是很有帮助的。
结束语:现在总结一下讲的内容。Butter someone up指常说的“以花言巧语讨好某人,巴结奉承”的意思。
这个是永远逃不过去的, 我在之前有专门回答过关于如何提高词汇量的帖子,在这里就不重复地讲了。