1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
external [kstrnl] a. 外部的,位于外表的(exterior)
【例】Maybe some respondents' answers sound foolish, but the disturbing traffic problem needs solving as soon as possible. 或许有些回应者的回答听起来愚蠢,可是交通问题很烦人,需要尽快解决。
5 .This type of our product is very popular in domestic market.
【派】phenomenal(a. 显著的;现象的);phenomenon(n. 现象)
rod [rd] n. 杆,棒(bar)
intuitive [ntutv] a. 直觉的
【例】In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. 古时候很多人认为地球是个扁平的圆盘。
【记】词根记忆:supre(=super 超过)+me→超越我的→最高的
【例】There are hordes of traders at the jumble sale today. 今天的旧货义卖会上有很多交易者。
She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post.
astute [stut] a. 机敏的,精明的(shrewd, judicious)
figurative [frtv] a. 比喻的,借喻的;象征的;用修辞办法的
【例】The man deserves the grade he received. 这个人获得的等级是他应得的。
parallel [prlel] n. 纬线 a. 平行的;相似的(*similar) vt. 与…平行,比较
induce [ndus] vt. 引起,导致(*cause);诱使
【例】We are determined to make our recycling program work. 我们决心使我们的再循环项目发挥作用。