【例】The bridge is capable of carrying 150-tonne trucks. 这座桥能够承受载重150吨的卡车。
传统的学习法:单词+语法++做题对考试有些用处,但我用此法学了近10年英语却一无所成。要提高英语水平首先要打通两关:耳朵和嘴巴。比较好的方法就是听说结合。不要忘了 听 这个字左边是一个 口 。听和说是不分家的。要提高必然要说,要随心所欲说也必须要不断听。记住听的时候要一句一句模仿,播音员怎么说你怎么说,要练的尽可能和播音员相近。不要理会所说的句子是什么含义,更不要去翻译,你所做的就是鹦鹉学舌。要以句子为单位,不要以段落为单位。当水平提高了才可以段落为单位模仿、复述。你觉得老外语速快是因为你的嘴巴不能以这样快的速度来说,能看得懂文章却听不懂,是因为你不能像老外那样正确地读这篇文章。你读的文章和老外对比会发现,你读得不对,没有掌握发音技巧,尤其是连读、爆破音、省音、节奏等。如果你读得和老外一样正确,你可不可能听不懂呢?记住:你能正确说出来,让老外读给你听,你也能听懂。你能以多快速度来说英语,你的耳朵就能接受多快的语速。听力还有一个难点就是你对常用单词和短语的反应速度。用我说的方法边听、边模仿再背诵就可以突破这个难点。我之所以能听懂,是因为500遍的模仿背诵,使我对新2的掌握程度达到了 化 的地步。新2中都是常用的单词、短语和句型,而常用词汇、短语和句型,大多数都包含在新2中了,因此听懂就容易了。原先做listen to this的题觉得挺难,现在觉得并不难了。
A; that sounds quite big! How many people live there?
B; there are about 30 million people in my country. Most of them live in the north.
A: what’s the average income?
B; that’s the really hard to say. I think most people earn about two thousand dollars a month, if you convert the money from our currency into dollars.
Improvements in technology mean that many illnesses that used to be fatal can now be treated safely and cheaply.
Language Procedures: What’s the trouble? What’s the matter with you? have a headache, take one’s temperature, nothing serious, take this medicine three times a day, feel like eating, have (got) a pain in one’s head
4有关保护英语怎么说的例句3:法官援引了一项保护难民的国际法。The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.警察在保护自己和他人免遭致命危险。The police were defending themselves and others against mortal danger我们需要保护森林。We need to preserve the forest他们正采取预防措施保护其军队免受化学武器的伤害。They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.他与德国的新关系受新的互不侵犯条约的保护。His new relationship with Germany is enshrined in a new non-aggression treaty之后他就开始了他为出名的工作,即保护并重新装订。Then he began his most famous work, the conservation and rebinding of the Book of Kells和他在一起的时候,她感到一种被人保护的安全感。She felt secure and protected when she was with him我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境保护这个前提。I disagree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment.
(4)短语连词。如:as if,as long as,in order that等。
Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in parks use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment (蚕食)?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods.