improve [mpruv] v. 改善,改进,增进;好转,进步
【参】attic(n. 阁楼,顶楼)
【例】A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it's very good.
【参】cyclone(n. 暴风,龙卷风);typhoon(n. 台风)
【搭】rule the roost 当家
【例】A: We are thinking of taking the kids to the new aquarium this weekend. Do you think it's worth the trip?
【例】The government should give careful consideration to issues of food safety. 政府应该仔细考虑食品安全的问题。
forage [frd] n. 草料(*feed, fodder)v. 搜寻粮秣(*search for food)
【例】Monet and his 29 fellow artists adopted the same name as abadge of their unity. 莫奈和29位艺术家同行采用了同样的名字,以示团结。
【例】The virus replicates by attaching to a cell and injecting its nucleic acid. 病毒附着在细胞上,并往其中输入核酸来实现复制。
intoxication [ntksken] n. 醉,醉酒
【例】Curses come home to roost. 诅咒他人,应验自身。
A: I heard you were thinking of applying for a job as a camp counselor.
log [l] n. 圆木;木材(timber, wood)
【例】The teacher made an analogy between the lens of a camera and the lens of an eye. 老师把相机的镜头类比为眼球的晶体。