【例】Hey, keep this on the d.l., will ya? [Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ; West Chester University, West Chester, PA; Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
仓央嘉措曾写下这样的词句:曾虑多情损梵行, 入山又恐别倾城 。对于很多中学生来说,也是一项 修为 与 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 这二者是否可以两全呢?能否在轻松有趣的学习中获得所需的能量呢?
Well, monkey see, monkey do. (是嘛,真是东施效颦。)
First come, first served. *“按到达的顺序”、“按报名顺序”,直译是“个来的,个供应”。
I auditioned for the part of "Maggie" feeling perfectlyconfident in my portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor, however, I was unaware that my director saw exactly what I had been thinking. Unfortunately, I didn't get the part, and my director told me that he needed to see "Maggie" from my perspective, not Elizabeth Taylor's.
文章第一段把knowledge与a clear, open mind相提并论,都放在形成一个正确的世界观(form your own intelligent view of the world)的重要地位。
两个人物,黑白对比,各占满满一段,其篇幅之重,使得文章更像是一篇文学论文,而论述的视角也不同于平时的common sense。
In my social studies class, we had an assignment to interview an older person about the changes he or she had witnessed in his or her lifetime. I decided to interview my neighbor, Mrs. Fletcher. Since she had never spoken to me much before, I figured she would have little to say and I could completethe assignment quickly. Instead she started telling me all about life in our town before the civil rights movement. I was astonished to learn that in the 1950s, black went to separate schools, rode at the backs of buses, and were prevented from living in white neighborhoods. As Mrs. Fletcher talked about how she and other African Americans helped break the color barrier by insisting on being served at white-only lunch counters, I became filled with shame at my own ignorance. How could I have been so unaware?
is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
Success is achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. However, just because an endeavour was unsuccessful does not mean it is without value. The failed Columbia mission and the Vietnam War are two such examples.
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针对于冲分学员(也就是对于科学类文章能够很容易碾压的学员),老师建议在备考的初期,从College Board 提及的Founding Documents 即"美国宪政精神"相关的文章,包括但不仅限于美国宪法,以及其他保护妇女儿童的法案等。