attire [tar] n. 穿着,服饰(clothing, dress)
【派】debatable(a. 有争执的)
【例】They are having a brief staff meeting. 他们正在开一个简短的职员会议。
alkali [lkla] n. 碱
【例】There has been a tendency to romanticize the accomplishments of the Group. 现今存在一种将该集团的成就传奇化的倾向。
towering [taralt] a. 高耸的(topping)
【派】analogous(a. 类似的)
modulate [mdlet] v. 调节(temper, adjust)
crossing [krsalt] n. 横越,交叉口
asymmetrical [esmetrkl] a. 不均匀的;不对称的(unbalanced, uneven)
【例】Are you in any pain or is there any discharge in your ears? 你有痛感吗?你耳朵里是否有分泌物?//If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely. 假如释放出过多火山热量,火山口的冰层就会完全融化。
【例】She convinced the man to apply to graduate school. 她说服了这名男子向研究生院提出申请。
deceive [dsiv] v. 欺骗(trick)
【例】A: Emh, coffee in this restaurant is really improved. They must have changed suppliers.
【例】The terrible epidemic killed most of the people it infected. 可怕的流行病害死了受感染的大部分人。
disposal [dspozl] n. 垃圾倾倒;处置(get rid of)
【搭】be notorious for 因为…而臭名昭著
B: Are you kidding? Tomorrow is the deadline for my project.