【例】I went rolling out behind the old abandoned high school last night. [Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX, 1999]
2. To leave; to go.
【例】The transition to settled life also had a profound impact on the family. 向稳定生活的转变对这个家庭也有着深远的影响。
【派】sluggishly(ad. 行动迟缓地);sluggishness(n. 萧条;呆滞)
simply [smpli] ad. 简单地(clearly);简直;只不过(little more than)
【搭】be infested with 多得成灾
convince [knvns] v. 使确信,说服(persuade, assure)
Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency.
【例】Surpluses of food could also be bartered for other commodities. 剩余的食品也能用来交换其他的商品。
ceremony [sermoni] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节
B: Don't they? I only hope my daughter and I can get along like that when she's Steven's age.
seal [sil] n. 海豹 v. 密封(fasten, close)
The newborn baby has a hairy head.
【例】The young spiders hatch in mid-spring or early summer. 年轻的蜘蛛在仲春或初夏孵卵。
【例】In the last class we talked about the classification of trees and we ended up with a basic description of angiosperm. 上一节课我们谈到了树木的分类,结束时我们对被子植物进行了概述。
【例】Your heart rate is lowered. 你的心率降低了。//The study of lower animals gives insight into the form and structure of the nervous system of higher animals. 研究低等动物给人们了