from...on 从...时起
On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework first. Then I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favorite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter.
The American Revolution was fought for several reasons. One of the most important was the idea that citizens of a country should have a voice in its decisions. The men who led the revolt against Britain wanted to be able to vote. They agreed that a citizen should have a voice in the government that ruled his country. British citizens in the American colonies paid taxes but had no representative in the British Parliament. This lack of representation caused a growing anger in the American colonies.
【记】来自词组break down倒塌,垮掉
A: Nice to meet you. You must be Sam.
【例】She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are. 她总是夸耀她的孩子们多么出色。
【例】The Brazlian Drum Band will be appearing on stage in the next show. 下一个节目将是巴西鼓乐队的表演。
【例】This article was written with clarity. 这篇文章思路清晰。
I couldn’t/wasn’t able to see him yeaterday.
②All the speeches were taken down in shorthand.
③When does the bus start? It starts in ten minutes.
【例】Corso's drink corner is a shelf with an array of bottles and glasses on it. 科索的酒水区是一个陈列着许多酒瓶和玻璃杯的架子。