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最后更新:2025-03-05 10:30:36        浏览次数:631        返回列表



1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂





A; I think we should get half a kilo of minced beef and a few pork chops.

B: ok. Let’s not forget fruit and vegetables. We need a bunch of bananas, a kilo of tomatoes and a bag of potatoes.

A: we should also get a tube of toothpaste and a bar of soap. Let’s get a tub of ice cream too. We can treat ourselves.

B: ok. We should get a few tins of tuna. Anything else?

A; I’d like a few cans of coke. We also need a dozen eggs and half a dozen sausages.


['tpl]n. 小教堂;祈祷室

B; so, 1,2 and 3 are prime numbers, but 4 isn’t because 2*2=4.

A: exactly. Anything else?

B; how many seconds in an hour? 60 seconds multiplied by 60 minutes equals 3600 seconds altogether.

A: you’ll be a mathematician one day.

A: which sports are popular in your country?

B: most people like football. More boys like football than girls. A few girls play it really well. Some people like playing basketball.

A: do many people like tennis?

B: more and more people like it now. fewer people play table tennis than before. Many people like swimming, because it is fun and keeps you fit.

A: in my country, many people enjoy golf, but it is too expensive for some people. A few people like extreme sports, but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them.

B: extreme sports are only for a small minority of people. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. No one I know plays golf.

A: I know loads of people who play it regularly. There are plenty of golf courses around the country. In the past, only a tiny number of people played.

B: a great deal of people follow rugby in my country.

A: there are plenty of rugby fans in my country too.

A: what do we need to get from the supermarket?

B: we need lots of things. I’ll make a list. We need a bag of sugar, a loaf of bread and a crate of beer.

A: a crate of beer? Why do we need that?

B: just joking. I would like to get a few bottles of beer though. We also need a liter of cooking oil.

A: we can buy a three-liter bottle. It works out cheaper per liter. We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too.

B: I’d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup. Do we need any meat?


【例】The mountain streams abound with fish. 山溪里有许多鱼。

A; I think we should get half a kilo of minced beef and a few pork chops.

B: ok. Let’s not forget fruit and vegetables. We need a bunch of bananas, a kilo of tomatoes and a bag of potatoes.

A: we should also get a tube of toothpaste and a bar of soap. Let’s get a tub of ice cream too. We can treat ourselves.

B: ok. We should get a few tins of tuna. Anything else?

A; I’d like a few cans of coke. We also need a dozen eggs and half a dozen sausages.

【例】When your car's battery run low, you can go to the nearest battery maintenance point for a replacement. 当你的汽车电池电量不足时,你可以到最近的电池给养站换电池。

【例】These temporary hive extensions conttain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey. 临时扩充的蜂箱里有用来让蜜蜂贮存蜂蜜的空蜂巢。

[bi'f:hnd]ad. 预先,事先



【例】You'd better take along a good pair of hiking boots if you want to take advantage of the wonderful trails in the mountains. 如果想要领略山中丛林徒步旅行的惊险刺激,你最好带上一双好点儿的户外长靴。







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