1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
This past year, I was auditioning for the fall play, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." To my detriment I thought it would be a good idea to watch the movie in order to prepare.
A hero can be defined as a person who say what he/she thinks when others lack the courage to say it.
作者的观点“In order to move up the ladder of success and achievement we must come to terms with our past and integrate it into our future”,对于过去的态度是“come to terms”并且“integrate into future”。
3分作文: Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle was not successful but was valuable. The Columbia disaster it was really sad that the Columbia blew up and the astronauts died. I saw it on my TV and cried. They found pieces for days and days all over Texas. But it was valuable like that Challenger that blew up a long time ago because it makes us want to get it right. We want to fix it so it doesn't happen again and so regular people can go to space like that kid from N*Synch tried to do. And so we will keep going to space and getting satellites for satellite TV and spying and stuff. And so NASA and the President are going to go to Mars next. Something not successful can still have value because we will go to space even if theColumbia disaster happened. 【点评】 这是一篇让人哭笑不得的跑题作文,能拿3分也足以说明SAT作文给分还是很宽松的。
(C)Wolves' bite pressure, harder than
You should never reply to unsolicited mail, or even click on the links in the mail.Doing so usually results in more junk mail being sent to you.
Thanks to one great teacher, I no longer believe that this constitutes real learning. And I have an idea what does. It all came clear many years ago in Mr. Blumgarden's history class.
下面,附一部分OG范文 “Let There Be Dark”的修辞手法,供考生参考并自行取用。
new life
The abolitionists, such as Harriet Beecher Stowe and William Iloyd Garrison,were heroes in their own time. Before the Civil War, people in all sections of the country thought that African Americans were animals and treated them as such. During the reform period of the Jacksonian era William Iloyd Garrison began to publish his abolitionist newspaper The Liberator. In this newspaper he demanded that the African American slaves be set free immediately, without any compensation to their owners. Because his view on slavery was against the。
The weather is getting colder and colder.
The girl becomes more and more beautiful.
Without our past1, our future would be a tortuous path leading to nowhere3. In order to move up the ladder of success and achievement we must come to terms with our past and integrate it into our future. Even if2in the past we made mistakes, this will only make wiser people out of us and guide us to where we are supposed to be.
He could be here soon.
We can\'t carry the heavy box.
I\'m sorry I can\'t help you.
can (could) 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及