1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
为了更好的打动读者、加强文章对读者的说服力,作者会用到很多修辞手法比如metaphor暗喻,simile明喻,appeal to emotion诉诸情感,comparison/contrast比较对比(注意contrast更多强调的是不同点之间的比较),word choice词汇选择,repetition重复,或者propaganda夸大宣传等手法。这些手法会让读者更加深入、有效的了解作者的观点。
1. zero hour 重要决定或变化到来的时刻;危险行动的时刻
full of hope
Friends, spring is a season full of hopes.
a: hey eve, how are you?
B: I’m fine, celia. And you?
A: I’m ok. I’m so busy!
B; do you have a lot of homework?
A: yes. Don’t you?
B: of course I do!
A: which class are you working on right now?
B; I’m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow.
A: are you in’s class?
B: yes. Are you?
A: yes. We must have the same exam tomorrow!
B: do you want to study together?
A; sure. This library is too quiet though.
B; do you want to go to and empty classroom?
A: that sounds good.
B; ok. Let’s go!
A: lucy, you’re back. How was your first day of school?
B; it was great. I had a really good time.
A; what classed did you have?
B: well, I had English from 9:00 to 11:00, art from 12:00 to 2:00, and math from 2:00 to 4:00.
A: what do you think about the teachers?
B; to be honest, I liked all of them, except for the math teacher. Though he must be quite young, he seem like an old person. He’s so boring!
A: that’s too bad. How was your English teacher?
B: she was great. In today’s class, she gave us a lecture on how to be a good student. She told us not to cram for exams, and to pay more attention on communicating that memorizing.
A:How do you do? Welcome to join in our team.
(B)and they should omit needless words
The thing that most people are guilty of is asking a question and expecting a specific response. For example, if I wrote this paper and asked my teacher if it was any good, I might expect her to say yes. Not necessarily because it really is a good paper, but because I don't want to get my feelings hurt if she tells me no. Why, then, do people ask these questions? To receive some sort of encouragement, regardless of whether it is an honest response or not.
德国近代著名的自由主义政治思想家、教育家、外交家、比较语言学家和语言哲学家威廉冯洪堡(Wihelm von Humboldt,17671835),倡导“学术自由”和“教学与研究相统一”的精神。
第五节 叙述形式的SAT作文 第三节里,我们介绍了一种SAT作文的写作套路,这个套路,仅仅是让同学们在面对一个作文题时候能够迅速组织思路,找到一种写作的捷径,但并不是说每一篇SAT作文就必须要这么写。
Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy SpaceCenter, in Florida.