摘 要:口语在英语中占有很重要的地位,刚刚踏入初中阶段学习的学生,对英语这门学科有着极大的兴趣,想说而又怕说,或是根本无从下口的现象,阻碍了许多初中生练习口语的机会,甚至因此逐渐对英语学习失去了兴趣,初中生因为功课多,考试压力大等原因,很少有或者几乎没有时间进行英语口语的练习,而英语小品剧的产生为中学生提供了展示自我、练习口语的很好平台。
【例】The lithosphere is divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes. 岩石圈分为尺寸和形状不同的十几个岩层。
asymmetrical [esmetrkl] a. 不均匀的;不对称的(unbalanced, uneven)
brochure [bror] n. 小册子(pamphlet, booklet)
Cranberries have become a major cash crop.
These developments represented a major change in the established order.
【例】The neoclassical sculptors seldom held a mallet or chisel in their own hands. 新古典主义的雕塑家很少亲自手持槌棒或凿子。
commute [kmjut] v. 坐公交车上下班
【例】The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish. 整个冒险似乎特别不切实际和愚蠢。//The monarch butterfly produces as many as four generations a year, each one of which vent
【例】A: What is that you are listening to? The beat's so strong that I can't concentrate on my work.
【例】Fanny Buice had an engaging personality that delighted audiences for nearly half a century. 范妮布斯个性迷人,在将近半个世纪里一直给观众带来欢笑。
Ali:I wonder if you can give me more information about these textiles you\'re showing.
//The moon and the earth are composed of essentially the same minerals. 月球和地球差不多是由相同的矿物质组成的。
【例】The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting. 这些环境里物种灭绝率之高令人震惊。//The eel in the tank behind me can produce a strong jolt of electricity to stun its prey. 我背后鱼缸里的鳗鱼可以产生强烈的电流来击昏其捕食对象。
【参】mount(n. 山 vi. 上马)
衔接句 As we all know, is known to all, is well known my opinion, far as I am concerned, sight reminds me of something in my daily life.
3.结尾句 In the a has been stated..
【例】Earth Day has become an annual international event. 地球日已经成为了年度国际活动。
reliable [rlabl] a. 可靠的,可信赖的(dependable, trustworthy)