1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
A和B是用90年代的hockey fans和50、60年代作比较,二者不可比。
(B)it hears
those of German Shepherds
5.Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals thatis noted for its busy harbor.布宜诺斯艾利斯是一个以其海港的热闹而闻名的国家首都。
Unbrellas: It\'s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors (在室内撑伞会带来厄运)。太阳因有无穷威力而受到人们崇拜,室内撑伞则被是对太阳的侮辱,进而会给屋内的每人都带来厄运。与伞的事都同坏运,不宜把雨伞礼物送给西方人。
(C)and at work in other medical fields
I changed a lot in the course of that year. It started in history class as I realized that history is more than a string of names and dates. It's a story about people and the choices they make, and it's a story that can help us learn to be smart about our lives in the present. I started to relax a bit in all my classes and as I did, the others became more fun as well. We read Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist" that year and I truly enjoyed it it was funny and some of the characters reminded me of people I knew. I was learning how to learn, how to involve myself in the subjects and come to my own conclusions.
Scoring Guide
9. The use of laser surgery has made it possible for doctors to be not only less obtrusive but also more accurate.
We all enjoy receiving compliments. But sometimes compliments don\'t come across the way they\'re meant---especially between people from different cultures.
Hearing a number of interesting stories, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.[√]