我们早前听说HomeKit不是发布会的重要内容,而这次的场地、密切相关的Siri和场地的容纳量都说明除了升级iPhone设备、新的Apple TV和Apple Watch 2.0操作系统,发布会上一定还会有什么其他东西。
52. That's all! 就这样!
Weather experts will provide fourteen-day forecasts of atmospheric
conditions. The weather program will start in Ghana in two thousand nine.
句中come across被译为产生了好的。
学英语要敢于开口。最近,我开始练习口语,才两三个星期的,同事见我说了一句“how are you?”就吃惊道“your English is excellent!”, 这真让我下不了台,我不他是在以花言巧语讨好我了。
His third wife had recently left him, he lost money in the stock market, and his dogdied.
Two aspects of the treatment are somewhat novel .
保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority.保护环境是中国政府的基本国策。The protection of the environment is one of the basic state policies of the Chinese government.环境保护主义者说造成该城市污染问题的一个关键因素是其人口数量。Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city\'s pollution is its population在智利会面的外交官们已经为那些对未来影响深远的环境保护条例的制定打好了基础。Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations清白做人和正派生活无法保护我们不受社会中邪恶力量的伤害。Innocence and decent living are no protection from the evil elements within our society新宪法必须能保护少数群体的利益。The interests of minorities will have to be safeguarded under a new constitution
Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum.
Brian:I think so. They are refrigerator, washing machine, one bicycle, one wardrobe, two televisions, one table and some small households.
A: Really? What do you do here?
26. So do I. 我也一样。
Request Manager: This subsystem manages the search request from the clientand then forwards the search request to the searching subsystem.
2. 示范答案
枕上(in the sleep),就是你在睡觉时,也可以用英语想:“What have I done today ?”,“How many new words have I learned?