1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
If you could live abroad, where would you go? Explain why you would go there.
brian: help yourself. there is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you.
dario: i don\'t use hair conditioner, just shampoo.
brian: you should try the conditioner - it will help make your hair healthier.
pretentious [prtens] a. 自负的(boastful);做作的
coil [kl] n. 卷,线圈(wire)vt. 盘绕(towind into rings or spirals)
【例】The teachers were all shocked by the boy's foul language and behaviors. 老师们都被这个男孩的污言秽语和不良行径惊呆了。
comprehend [kmprhend] v. 理解,领会(understand, grasp)
Japan, more than any other non-western advanced nation, has preserved itsculture and rhythms of life, he says.
【例】None of the people who applied for the job has the required credentials. 申请这个工作的人都不具备所需的资格。
dramatic [drmtk] a. 引人注目的(*striking);戏剧性的(theatrical);生动的(vivid)
【例】The woman asked for an extension on the application deadline. 这个女子要求延长申请的截止期限。
4,一方面、另一方面:on one hand/ on the other hand; for one thing/ for another
specialize [spelaz] v. 专攻;使专用于
B: Wow, if there were more than four, I'd say that we have it over at my place, but with 8 of us, I guess I'd have to get along with your suggestion.
靠走廊的座位卖完了,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位? We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?
【例】Wilton also made a lead equestrian image of King George IIIthat was created in New York in 1770 and torn down by zealous patriots six years later. 1770年,威尔顿在纽约也用铅制作了乔治三世国王骑马的塑像,6年后被狂热的爱国者给捣毁了。
chagrin [rn] n. 懊恼,失望(disappointment)