【例】This is our last chance to take a break before finals. 这是决赛之前我们中间休息的最后一次机会。
Aphrodite was not calmed down yet.In grief and despair she flew to Zeus and begged Zeus\' sympathy.Hades was by no means prepared to meet her request.After much dispute anagreement was worked out under which Adonis was to spend half the year above ground with Aphrodite,but the remaining six months in the Elyn Fields.Therefore,in spring time Adonis came back to the loving embrace of Aphrodite ,but when winter came he had to return most reluctantly to Hades.
affection [fekn] n. 喜爱(fondness);影响(influence)
trade [tred] n. 贸易,商业;职业,行业 v. 经商,交易;对换
【参】customary(a. 合乎惯例的)
In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school
\'Can you repair it?\' \'No problem\'
\'I ought to think about going actually. If that\'s all right with you.\' \'Yeah. No problem.\'
【例】More dense atmosphere gradually enveloped Earth. 更加浓厚的大气逐渐覆盖了地球。
【例】We must work within the parameters of budget and time this year. 我们今年必须按照预算和时间的规定工作。
【例】Rapid ecological change may render an environment hostile to a species. 生态的快速变化会使环境对物种产生威胁。
【例】It's concluded that Pierre and his companions did in fact reach the near vicinity of the North Pole on April 6th, 1909. 结论表明,皮埃尔及其同伴的确于1909年4月6日到达了北极附近地区。
New lords, new laws.
[字面意思] 新主人,新规矩。
[解释] 将军令。
No news is good news.
[字面意思] 没消息好消息。
[解释] 这是一句劝别人不要着急,要耐心消息的等待的话。
【例】They have completely renovated the restaurant. 他们已经彻底整修了这家饭店。
Then they get more complicated:
1. May the warmest of wishes,happiest of thoughts and friendliest of greetings come to you and stay with you throughout the year.
2. Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy,and all the happy things in life.
3. I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most about and the person that came to mind was you,so I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
4. Another year has come to an end. And it’s nice to have a friend like you to make my every day so great. Thank you my dear friend.
5. When a greeting comes from afar you can’t hear the wishes and can’t see the smile,but you can sense the care that truly comes from the heart. Happy New Year.
6. Everyone says the earth is such a huge place. So,with those billions and billions of people and all,I believe it’s a miracle that I got to know you!
7. If I were in heaven,I’d write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.
8. Remember that there is always someone thinking of you at New Year,whether you get the message or not.
9. A special smile,a special face. A special someone I can’t replace. A special hug,from me to you. A special friendship,I’ve found in you…… Happy New Year,my dear friend.
Teacher, please believe that I can make it! I will be more efforts, more seriously learn knowledge well. Fight for themselves, and strive for the future. I will make you happy, make you happy, happy!
【派】flattish(a. 稍平的)