等差序列的通项公式为tn=t1+(n-1)d, n∈Z+,
(B)and people become more dependent
第一节 平行结构语法知识
在not only A but also B中,A和B的形式要保持一致。
As the Humboldt quotation suggests, it's not the events that occurs in our lives but rather the way we react to these events that most affects our happiness.
I am more and more convinced that our happiness or unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life, than on the nature of those events themselves
(E)to holding two tastings per year instead of one, thus increasing
第三段,作者举了美国前总统克林顿和美国儿童小说作家Judy Blume的例子,但作者没有把他们两人的价值进行比较,这个比较留给了读者。
I learn a lot from this book, not from that book.第二节 平行结构试题分析
In my many years of school, I've learned that teachers ideas about education. Some think that they need to cram your head with facts. Other poke and prod until students get their brains in gear and begin to think. From this second kind of teacher, I have learned the real meaning of education. It is learning to be able to form your own intelligent view of the world, based on both knowledge and a clear, open mind.