a book that you want to read again (Longman p.58),an important composition, example: essay, poem, letter (TOFEL ibt 08.05.17),a TV program that you really like to watch (Longman p.54),a type of music you like most (Longman p.56)等等,需要考生在考前花大量的时间去整理思路,只有做到有备无患,在能在考场上胸有成竹,口若悬河。
parallel [prlel] n. 纬线 a. 平行的;相似的(*similar) vt. 与…平行,比较
这次在电影中我又学到 hand over 的另用法, 把某样东西交, (也可以用 fork over) 例如小混混去跟别人勒索十块钱, 就可以说 \"Hand over ten bucks. Otherwise, I will kick your butt.\"交出十块钱来, 不然我就扁你一顿.
7. I handed you an idiot-proof team.
承上所述, hand 字的另用法就指把某样东西亲手交给某人, 情况下大家都会用 give, (这是国中的单字) 其实有时候用用 hand 动词也不错.
solo [solo] a. 单独的(sole) n. 独奏(曲)
【例】The ornaments on the Christmas tree shined and sparkled. 圣诞树上的装饰品闪闪发光。
Is it positive or negative?
14. The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 这些书不准携出室外。
【例】Earth Day has become an annual international event. 地球日已经成为了年度国际活动。
【例】Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label quantities of items and do simple sums. 其他黑猩猩已经学会了使用数字来标记物品的数量,并做简单的加法运算。
12. I was warned not to be late. 我被告之不要迟到。
To a manager, the most important is to do what he should do. No matter how excellent his plans are, or how sound theories he advocates, they are nothing but merely some illusions if not put into practice.
B: Maybe you'd better check it with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.
replenish [rplen] vt. 添加;补充(supplement)
【派】vigorously(ad. 精力旺盛地)
【派】statehood(n. 州的状态或地位);stately [ad. /a. 庄重地(的);宏伟地(的)];statement(n. 陈述,声明)