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课程名称: 太仓没有基础学雅思
品牌: 雅思培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-02-07 12:03
浏览报名: 981人
咨询电话: (拨打免费)
即时通讯: 点击交谈 





['suiit]n. 伙伴;同事;a. 副的




【例】The parking sticker must be attached to the front windscreen of the car to be valid. 停车证必须贴在汽车挡风玻璃上,这样才有效。

【例】Combustion and gasification techniques are now at pilot and demonstration stages. 燃烧技术和气化技术现在处于示范和验证阶段。



【例】After the final interview, potential recruits were divided into three categories. 经过最后的面试,可能入选的新学员被分成三类。


我们知道,英语中的动词有时态变化,在英语新闻标题中也不例外。但由于新闻标题必须言简意赅,不可能采用英语的完整时态形式来浓缩新闻事实。为此,新闻标题形成了自身独有的时态特点,以达到使动词既传神达意又具时间感的目的。英文报刊的新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,当然更不用过去完成时等时态,而采用现在时态,使读者阅报时有如置身于这条新闻事件中之感觉,这叫做“新闻现在时”(journalistic presenttense),与文学写作中的“历史现在时”(historical present tense)实际上完全一样。所以,英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种:一般现在时、将来时和现在进行时。现分述如下:



【例】His achievements spread from the sun and moon to remote galaxies. 他的研究成就从太阳、月亮延伸到遥远的星系。

['tnl]n. 海峡;水道;[常pl.]途径;频道

Nowadays many families are split up because it is so easy to move around the country, so it can be easy to neglect older relatives. Old people in general can often feel cut-off from modern China because it is changing so quickly.

super doke (pronounced \"doooo\" with the mouth only slightly open) (adj)

B; so, 1,2 and 3 are prime numbers, but 4 isn’t because 2*2=4.

A: exactly. Anything else?

B; how many seconds in an hour? 60 seconds multiplied by 60 minutes equals 3600 seconds altogether.

A: you’ll be a mathematician one day.

A: which sports are popular in your country?

B: most people like football. More boys like football than girls. A few girls play it really well. Some people like playing basketball.

A: do many people like tennis?

B: more and more people like it now. fewer people play table tennis than before. Many people like swimming, because it is fun and keeps you fit.

A: in my country, many people enjoy golf, but it is too expensive for some people. A few people like extreme sports, but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them.

B: extreme sports are only for a small minority of people. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. No one I know plays golf.

A: I know loads of people who play it regularly. There are plenty of golf courses around the country. In the past, only a tiny number of people played.

B: a great deal of people follow rugby in my country.

A: there are plenty of rugby fans in my country too.

A: what do we need to get from the supermarket?

B: we need lots of things. I’ll make a list. We need a bag of sugar, a loaf of bread and a crate of beer.

A: a crate of beer? Why do we need that?

B: just joking. I would like to get a few bottles of beer though. We also need a liter of cooking oil.

A: we can buy a three-liter bottle. It works out cheaper per liter. We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too.

B: I’d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup. Do we need any meat?


①He is chairman of the Students’ Union.







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