To me, being an expert means being successful, and achieving success requires lots of hard work, time, and practice. This is true regardless of what you pursue, from running to drawing, acting to skating, teaching to dancing. Yet expertise and success don't come from skill alone. To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent, because if you don't posses the desire to do something, your talent may simply wither from neglect, and people who prove this to be the case include Jewel and my sister.
An endearing term for a stupid person or dumbass. (You call your friends does when they do something airheaded.)
Black cat: 在古埃及和罗马猫是受崇拜的动物。家里的猫死后,所家人都很悲伤,还会把它制成木乃伊。自17世纪起猫与巫术起来,其运气也从好运变为厄运。在美国,看见黑猫或黑猫从身旁走过都被是坏运气 (It is bad luck to have a black cat walk by)。
You are a great help.你帮了大忙
I couldn\'t be more sure.我再也肯定不过。
I am behind you.我支持你。
A: Whatever decision you\'re going to make, I am behind you.
等比序列(geometric sequence):
develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position
文章也使用了一些转折词,使文章自然流畅(如第二段的yet, instead, but,第三段的however, but, eventually等)。
Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will become more popular in the future.
There are many types of heroes in real life or in literature, but the most courageous type of all is the one who is willing to stand up and say what they believe in even when everyone else lacks the courage to do so. Many people are content to go through life following the crowd. They will themselves believe in ideas that society says is right, even when they know in their heart it is wrong. A hero is one who is willing to give up his position in society in order to tell people what he believes is right.
1. 关于补that of和those of的问题
We have a wide selection of this product.
We take customers as our Gods.
This kind of products is attractive and durable.
比(ratio):描述量与量之间的比较关系。常用的表示法如:2:3, <图>, 2 to 3。
等差序列的通项公式为tn=t1+(n-1)d, n∈Z+,