congestion [kndestn] n. 拥塞(clog)
tendency [tendnsi] n. 倾向,趋向(inclination, trend)
coil [kl] n. 卷,线圈(wire)vt. 盘绕(towind into rings or spirals)
【例】There has been a tendency to romanticize the accomplishments of the Group. 现今存在一种将该集团的成就传奇化的倾向。
foul [fal] a. 污秽的,肮脏的(disgusting, filthy)
【例】Many young people quit school and go to work partly because they live in poverty. 很多年轻人辍学就业的部分缘由是生活贫困。
foul [fal] a. 污秽的,肮脏的(disgusting, filthy)
foul [fal] a. 污秽的,肮脏的(disgusting, filthy)
convince [knvns] v. 使确信,说服(persuade, assure)
【例】We'll see many artistic works depicting the major events of her life. 我们将看到描写她一生主要事件的艺术作品。
affection [fekn] n. 喜爱(fondness);影响(influence)
a higher intelligence than ordinary mammals. 科学家认为海豚的智商比普通哺乳动物的要高。
【例】For a while in the United States, laisser faire was a popular doctrine. 自由主义在美国有一段时期曾经是风靡一时的学说。
gym [dm] n. 健身房;体育馆
【例】Some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't knowmuch about cars, might try to overcharge that person. 一些汽车修理工假如认为某人对车不太了解,就会设法多收这个人的钱。
fare [fer] n. 费用(charge)v. 进展(evolve)
composer [kmpozr] n. 作曲家