enrich [nrt] vt. 使充实;使肥沃(fertilize)
【例】Jack caught a fish and dropped it beside him on the ice andit froze solid. 杰克捉到一条鱼,随手扔在了身旁的冰上,结果鱼冻得硬邦邦的。//I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. 我很高兴能写侦探小说。可是只写了几页我脑子就不转了。
【例】Your heart rate is lowered. 你的心率降低了。//The study of lower animals gives insight into the form and structure of the nervous system of higher animals. 研究低等动物给人们了
【例】The neoclassical sculptors seldom held a mallet or chisel in their own hands. 新古典主义的雕塑家很少亲自手持槌棒或凿子。
induce [ndus] vt. 引起,导致(*cause);诱使
【例】All the evidences have proved my appraisal to be correct. 所有的证据都表明我的评价是正确的。
【派】survival(n. 生存,幸免);survivor(n. 幸存者,生还者)
【例】A small group of explorers had just completed a month-long exploration of the region that is now called Yellow Stone. 一小队探险者刚在这个如今称为黄石的地区完成为期一个月的探索。
【搭】look alike 看起来像
frenzy [frenzi] n. 狂暴(fury)
【例】Relatively little hardware was used during this period. 这个时期五金制品使用得相对较少。
discharge [dstrd] n. 流出物;放电 [dstrd] v. 释放(release)
【例】She had no formal education in mathematics. 她没有受过有关数学的正规教育。
【例】The marine biologists could induce oysters to spawn not only in the summer but also in the fall. 海洋生物学家可以诱使牡蛎在夏、秋两季均产卵。