一般过去时 was / were + done
interior [ntrir] n. /a. 内部(的)(inner)n. [the~] 内陆(inland)
Where do you learn more from, media like newspapers, TV , Internet or people like friends, family and teachers?
Chinese is my mother tongue.
I am proficient in English.
I am professional in English.
I can speak fluent English.
fluency n. 流利
How many languages do you speak?
I can speak in three languages.
I’m a trilingual.
I’m a bilingual.
Canada is a bilingual country.
I can read and write in three languages.
How well do you know Chinese?
How well do you know English?
How long ... 多久
How many ... 多少
How well ... 程度如何
She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.
accent 口音
She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.
dialect 方言
local vernacular
Do you speak the local vernacular?
We must master the local vernacular.
mandarin Chinese 普通话
mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯
Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话
character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的
Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案
Chinese phonetic alphabet
letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组
sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文
Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.
Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.
As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.
recession [rsen] n. 萧条时期
学一门外语永远不能忽视母语对你的思维定式的影响。其实中国人学外语困难不在于词汇量的多少,语法是否精准,也不在乎你的发音到底有多纯正,而是我们经常提到的 Chinese English 。为什么会产生Chinese English? 主要原因就在于对不同的语言来说,他们看问题的角度,组织语言的侧重点会有所不同,也就是说,同样一个意思,不同的语言就会有不同的说法,如果我们还是按照母语的习惯进行生搬硬套,无疑会产生中国式英语这样的问题。也许有人会强调,学英语时一定要忘掉母语,能忘掉当然比较好,但问题是,你忘得掉吗?This is something in your blood. 就象你吃了几十年的馒头米饭,让你一日三餐突然改吃面包或意大利面,你能受得了吗? 所以,我们要做的就是接受这个现实,既要尽可能多地营造纯英语的环境,也要研究在母语和英语之间是否有某些必然的联系可供借鉴,这样,即使你在日常运用中仍然不自觉地用母语来思考,但还是能够很快地找到捷径,在母语和英语之间实现快速地、正确地的转换,用得多了,久而久之,不需要转换你也可以用英语自由表达了。
英语与汉语之间差别是什么? 我认为有三点:一、形象化;二、直截了当;三、简洁明了
She does like this horse. 她的确喜欢这匹马。
Please do take care of yourself. 千万保重。
13.5 反意疑问句
1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren\'t I.
【记】词根记忆:leg(法律)+itim +ate→合法的;正当的
B: Maybe you just need a trial run. Why don't you use me as your audience?
leftover [leftovr] n. [常pl.]剩余物;剩饭菜
emphasize [emfsaz] vt. 强调,着重;重读(*stress)
【派】soften〔v. (使)变柔软〕;softness(n. 柔和;柔软)
导入: 第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文: 第2段:Most of the students are in favor of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由) 第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论: 第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweight the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)
【例】Human population near the equator have evolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to the fiercest rays of the sun. 由于暴露在最强烈的日光下,赤道附近的人们经过很多代人的演化有了深色的皮肤。
A wonderful vision appeared to them .