1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience to working in the same capacity at GE. 在英国宇航公司做一名工程师和在美国通用电器公司
lose lose 两败俱伤
0.6%zero point six per cent
【例】The pilot managed to bring the aircraft and its 50 passengers down safely in the calm waters of the bay. 飞行员成功地将飞机降落在风平浪静的海湾中,确保了50名乘客的安全。
【例】Centrifugal force throws the honey out of the combs. 离心力使蜂蜜从蜂巢里掉了出来。
⑧ at the present day当今
Nowadays in China there are some colleges that are exclusively for old people to attend. They exist to help them get an education if they didn’t have the opportunity to do so before.
②In the past five years the company has tripled its sales.
【例】In the brood chamber below, the bees will stash honey to eat later. 在蜂箱的下部,蜜蜂会贮藏蜂蜜,以供日后食用。
⑤in the fist week of this semester这学期的第一周
3.blow something out of proportion ?夸大某事的性