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最后更新:2025-03-06 11:20:10        浏览次数:812        返回列表





I like table tennis. (作主语)


  Registered consultant:Just look in your class schedule and find the time and dates of registration.

【例】The attraction of singlespeed cyclesis their simplicity and reliability. 单速自行车吸引人之处在于其简单性和可靠性。

【例】The bridge is capable of carrying 150-tonne trucks. 这座桥能够承受载重150吨的卡车。



['suiit]n. 伙伴;同事;a. 副的

⑧ at the weekend在周末

  ■ Plus Plus:


【例】Tour operators try to cheat tourists. 旅行社的工作人员试图欺骗游客。

仓央嘉措曾写下这样的词句:曾虑多情损梵行, 入山又恐别倾城 。对于很多中学生来说,也是一项 修为 与 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 这二者是否可以两全呢?能否在轻松有趣的学习中获得所需的能量呢?

The UK has been in the worst financial recession(衰退)for generations. It does seem odd that unless parents step in young people are left in the dark until they are cruelly introduced to the world of debt when they turn up at university. In a recent poll of over 8,000 people, 97% supported financial education in schools, while 3% said it was a job for parents.

61. The passage is mainly about _____________.

A. how to manage school lessons

B. how to deal with the financial crisis

C. teaching young people about money

D. teaching students how to study effectively

62. It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that __________.

A. the author complains about the school education

B. pupils should not be taught to add up and subtract

C. students have been taught to manage their finances

D. laws on financial education have been effectively carried out

63. The website and the consumer campaigner joined to _________.

A. instruct the pupils to donate their pocket money

B. promote the connection of schools and families

C. ask the government to dismiss the parliament

D. appeal for the curriculum of financial education

64. According to Pfeg, ___________.

A. it is easy to keep good habits long

B. teenagers spend their money as planned

C. parents are willing to pay the debt for their kids

D. it will be in trouble if the teenagers are left alone

65. A poll is mentioned to ___________.

A. stress the necessity of the curriculum reform

B. show the seriousness of the financial recession

C. make the readers aware of burden of the parents

D. illustrate some people are strongly against the proposal

答案:61-65 CADDAc

Douglas Laycock is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville. He says the Supreme Court has ruled that governments must be neutral about religious teachings.

②否定的推测:语气不很肯定时,常用may not,might not或could not,译为“可能不”“也许不”;否定语气较强时,则用can’t,译为“根本不可能”、“想必不会”,表示惊异、怀疑的感情色彩


有学生问过我这样的问题,为什么别人总能凭着感觉猜对答案而自己总是猜错?这就涉及到了两个字 语感 。很多时候说不出道理,却有很强烈的感觉知道正确答案。语感好了,做题的正确率自然就高了。而这种语感从何而来呢?简单的方式就是背诵。教科书,太枯燥,不想背。而新概念简单、有趣、当然更好背,可以轻松提高 修为 。

['tlin]n./vt. 挑战;质疑







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