1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
compare [kmper] v. 比较,相比,对比;比作
Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky
For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time
【派】neoclassicism(n. 新古典主义)
B: I'm sorry, Steven. I'm leaving for a conference tomorrow and I'll beaway for two weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.
【例】It is time to pack up my gloves and boots. 该把我的手套和靴子打包了。
literacy [ltrsi] n. 识字,有文化,读写能力
【派】spicy(a. 辣的;有风味的)
163. Don’t take it personally 别当这是人身攻击
Personal字是“个人的,私人的”意思,好比若不熟的朋友,最好就别问人家“私人问题”,要是哪天你说了会冒犯到别人的话,你若想要言明是对事不对人,你就可以用上这句话Don’t take it personally.“别把它当成人身攻击。”
A:What? You think I’m fat? 你觉得我肥?
B:Don’t take it personally. You still look good.
164. Shoot someone down 拒绝,165. 数落
Shoot someone down 的本意是“拒绝”,而且是那种让人难堪,不留情面的拒绝。好比你去面试的时候:
A:Did you get the new job? 你新工作了吗?
B:No, the boss shot me down in the interview. ,那老板在面试的时候不留余地数落我。
The clock can be repaired. 这钟能修好。
【例】Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date. 随后的改革使这些观念显得颇为过时。
mammal [mml] n. 哺乳动物
强调地点: It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening.
mathematics [mθmtks] n. 数学(math)
【例】People were haunted by theprospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. 国民经济前所未有的变化将导致社会动乱的可能性萦绕在人们心头。