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最后更新:2025-03-06 20:27:37        浏览次数:828        返回列表



1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂





(At the Canton Fair, Mr. Smith. a businessman front America,meets Mr. Wang, a Chinese sales representative in front of his booth. )
  Mr. Wang: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our booth. Would you like to have a seat?
  Mr. Smith: Thank you.
  Mr. Wang:Here\'s my business card.
  Mr. Smith:Thank you. Please accept mine.Mr. Wang:Oh. Mr. Smith, I see that you are from America. Have you heard of our company before?
  Mr. Smith: Sorry. I haven\'t. Could you tell me something about it?
  Mr. Wang: Yes. our company has produced textiles formally years. and now we have five retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 15% of the domestic market.
  Mr. Smith: OK. Perhaps we can work together in the future.
  Mr. Wang: I hope so.
  Mr. Smith: May I know something about your new products?
  Mr. Wang: Yes, this is our latest catalog, and you can find our new products here.
  Mr. Smith: Oh,there are so many new products. I would say some of them could be found on the market in my country.
  Mr. Wang: Yes. Owing to their superior quality and reasonable price, they are warmly received in most western countries. Therefore, you can rest assured they would suit the taste of your market as well.
  Mr. Smith: That sounds good.
  Mr. Wang: Mr.Smith, please take your time and look around. You are welcome to visit our factory any time.
  Mr. Smith: Sure, I\'m planning to visit some factories after this trade fair.
  Mr. Wang: That would be great. We\'re really looking forward to seeing you again.



(D)than with the fans in

Intro段之后,需要有至少三个支撑段,我们称这种支撑段为body paragraph. 在每个body paragraph中,需要有一个中心的claim和相应的evidence来支撑这个claim。

My secretary has left my one and only manuscript in the taxi, so I’ll have to write the book all over again. It’s back to square one. 秘书把我罕有的的一份手稿丢在出租车上了,我只好重写这本书,一切从头开始。

Pennies: 几乎所有的货币都包含着迷信的说法,如:\"Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you\'ll have good luck.\" (看到便士,捡起它,你整天都会幸运的)。

No, these companies do not care about health issues; instead, they wish to sell as many tobacco products as possible.


(C)and you should omit needless words

Some ... (the type that the author does not approve )

One or two, in blue suits, might have been bank officials. Others were clearly working men.


Of course the history books are full of great men and women who are long gone, and no doubt we can all find our personal heroes from their pages. But the dead cannot defend their reputations and so every biography and every film chips away at their greatness. Alexander the Great will never seem so great once we have seen the film.

Acoustics(声学)is a hard subject.








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